This page is a summary website for the project “Measuring fear of crime using app-based and sensing methodologies” funded by the British Academy Small Grants (no. SG171381).
PI: Dr Reka Solymosi, University of Manchester
Co-Is: Dr Laura Vozmediano, Unversity of Basque Country & Dr Ines Guedes, University of Porto
Interested in using app-based and sensing measures to operationalise the fear of crime? If you are working on this sort of thing, or just want to be involved please sign up here:
Recent contributions to the advancement of research into fear of crime focus on framing it as a situational experience. To measure fear of crime operationalised in this way, innovations in technology for data collection must be applied. This project aimed to contribute to the advancement of current topics in fear of crime research, in both methodological and theoretical innovations around operationalisation and measurement of this concept.
To achieve this aim, this project fullfilled the following objectives:
The aim is to bring together people working in the area of app-based and sensing approaches to emasuring fear of crime.
We have achieved the following objectives:
see the map of related reserach here:
see here for call for papers
Conference presentations
Other outputs
Map of app-based fear of crime research:
Code for self report app tool:
Fear of crime stimuli video: